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Internet Missionary

Internet Missionary
Have you ever at any time in your life thought you might like to be a Missionary, taking the life changing message of the Gospel to people all around the world? Well, Congratulations, You Are One! The very moment you became a Christian, you were commissioned by Jesus to be a real live Gospel Missionary (Matt 28:18-20, Mark 16:15 and Acts 1:8) responsible for taking His Gospel of Salvation around the corner and around the world! He is depending on each one of us to do our part in order to reach as many people as possible with His wonderful message of Salvation. We are God’s Plan A – there is NO Plan B.
According to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), Millions of people around the world have made professions of faith in Christ via the internet over the past several years! (Click Here to read the article) Every year, more and more people are searching for answers on the internet, and that's where we need to be, to meet them with God's life changing Gospel message and to help them find answers to life's biggest questions.
Using Email to Get Started Today as an Internet Missionary ...
- Use Your Email
Use your current email account to send out email inviting everyone you can to visit DigitalchristianNetwork.com or set up a new email account if you want to keep your Missionary work separate. We recommend Google gmail if you set up a new account ( deliverability and simplicity).
For info on how to set up a gmail account, CLICK HERE.
- Set Up the Auto Signature Feature on Your Email
Set up an Auto Signature at the bottom of your master email template so that everytime you send out an email, it will automatically include a link to visit DigitalChristianNetwork.com or you can just delete the link in two clicks if you don't want it to show on a particular email ( a business email for example). This feature is really great to use because no matter what the subject of your email, the auto signature at the bottom of your email is always right there just waiting for someone to click on it to hear the Gospel or encourage Christians to join DCN. Here are some auto signature suggestions:
Are You 100% Sure of Heaven?
Click Here And Find out For Sure!
Are You Good Enough for Heaven?
Click Here And Find Out Right Now!
Have you Checked Out DigitalChristianNetwork.com?
You're Gonna to Love It!
If Someone Asked You How to Get To Heaven,
What Would You Say? Click Here for the Answer!
Note: Once you set your auto signature phrase, make sure you highlight the phrase completely, and then click on the Hyperlink icon in the auto signature tool bar and enter digitalchristiannetwork.com for the website address otherwise the auto signature link won't be active.
For info on how to set up your Auto Signature in Gmail, CLICK HERE.
Additional Thoughts on Email:
- Think of creative reasons to send out email to your contacts.
- If the content of a particular email is public in nature, ask your email recipients to forward the email on to their contacts and so on and so on so you can get the the Gospel message out to as many people as possible.
- As much as we want to get the Gospel out to everyone we can, never Spam. Always ask people for their permission before you add them to your contact list. people with your email. Send as many people as you can to DCN and we will ask them to join our and let them authorize us to email them.
- Think of creative ways to gather email addresses but Always ask people for their permission before you add them to your contact list.
Additional Resources
> Different Ways To Share the Gospel
> Share Your Faith App (Video)
> Billy Graham Evangelical Association Internet Evangelism (6 Million)
> Focus on the Family Online Mentors