Video 1
Right now, as you read the printed words on this page, you are only 15 Minutes From Heaven! I'm starting the clock right now! 15 minutes gives you plenty of time to accept the fact that you are a criminal in God's eyes and that every sin you have ever committed is a personal crime against God and you are in desperate need His forgiveness. You have time to decide that you don't want to go to Hell and you want God to be your Savior and not your Judge. You have time to repent and put your full trust in Jesus Christ to save you. You have time to pray the "Sinner's Prayer" with a sincere heart and instantly receive God's gift of eternal life. In this short 15 Minutes, you can forever change the eternal destiny of your soul from Hell to Heaven. In this short 15 minutes you can have it all, peace with God, total forgiveness and eternal life. 15 minutes from now, Heaven can belong to you. You're only 15 Minutes From Heaven what will you do?
"To neglect is to reject". You have already heard a clear presentation of the Gospel Message on the previous page and you know you need to be saved. If you decide to do nothing, it is the same as saying No to God and rejecting His gift of eternal life. Instead of having it all, you will be losing it all. Our goal is not to scare you but to sincerely inform you of the consequences of making the wrong decision. God is a Loving God yes, but that's not all He is. He is a Righteous Judge and He must punish sin. He doesn't want anyone to go to Hell but on the other hand, He won't force you to choose Him either. He gave us a free will so that we are totally free to accept Him or reject Him and God will respect whatever decision we make. You hear some people say, "I don't think a Loving God would ever send anyone to Hell". They're right, God doesn't send anyone to Hell. As a matter of fact He begs us over and over not to go there. You see, the fact is that we actually send ourselves to Hell by rejecting God's free pardon, rejecting His free offer of salvation and rejecting eternal life. It's like a man standing at the door of a plane getting ready to jump out and you say, "Wait, take this parachute and put it on." And the man says, "No, I don't believe in parachutes." But you insist and say, "Don't be foolish, you must take it. You can't jump without it, you'll perish!" But the man says, "No, I'll take my chances", and he jumps out. Or a man that falls overboard one night in the middle of a stormy dark ocean in icy waters without a life jacket and even though the people throw him a life preserver, he refuses to grab it. The people yell, "Grab it and we'll pull you in." But the man says, "No, I'm a good swimmer, I'll just trust in my own abilities to make it back to shore." This kind of foolish reaction to life and death decisions just doesn't make sense does it?
Well my friend, you're in those same shoes right now! We're saying, "Take God's parachute, take God's life preserver otherwise you will perish." And you're saying, "Let me think about it!" To reject God or to neglect to make a decision to choose God, is the most serious mistake that anyone on planet earth is even capable of making. This could be the last opportunity you will ever have to get saved, over 150,000 people die every 24 hours and many of them are gone in an instant. You could die tonight in your sleep! That's why you need to settle this whole matter of Heaven and Hell right now, today! Don't put it off, tomorrow may be too late. It's your decision right now - where will you decide to spend eternity? Not only you, where do you want your children, your family and your friends to spend eternity? Would you want them to spend an eternity in Hell? What if they made their decision based upon what you did? Does it matter? Do you care?
"What if I still have Bible questions? What if my Religion is different? What about "this" or what about "that"?" Listen, none of that stuff matters right now! The only thing you need to do right now is repent, trust Jesus to be your Savior and settle this matter of Heaven and Hell once and for all! Don't worry about anything else right now! All that other stuff can come later! After you get Saved, you'll have God in your life to help you sort out all those things. When you stand before God on judgement day, His decision to let you into Heaven or to send you to Hell is going to be based on one thing and one thing alone - Did You Accept His Son Jesus Christ To Be Your Savior OR Did You Reject Him (to neglect is to reject)? His decision to let you into Heaven is not going to be based on how much Bible knowledge you have, whether you went to this church or that church, how much money you gave to the poor or how hard you tried to be a good person! It's all about having a relationship with Him. There is only one thing stopping you from praying the Sinner's Prayer right now and receiving God's gift of eternal life in Heaven and forever changing your eternal destiny and that is you're pridefull heart!
Believe Me - Hell will never be worth such Eternal Devotion!
Your 15 minute challenge is running down, will you choose an eternity in Heaven or an eternity in Hell? Listen to your conscience, choose God and pray the Sinner's Prayer right now . . .
You may be thinking, "I have some Bible questions
If you could put a price tag on Heaven, how much would it cost? More than any one of us could ever think about paying I'm afraid. How can you put a price tag on something that is worth more than all the riches of this world combined? So if it's impossible to buy our way into Heaven, the only other possible way is to earn it buy being good, right? Well, let's suppose we did our best to be as good as we could be, how would we know when we were good enough? you tried your best to be good, how would you know if you were ever good enough? ever know when you reached the how could you possibly know whether you were good enough to go to Heaven? The only way you could ever know would be to measure your level of goodness by God's standards. We may think we measure up pretty good by man's standards of goodness but unfortunately, God judges us by His standards, not man's. So let's see how you measure up to God's moral standard God has given us a way to measure our level of goodness though, let's examine that possibility. The only way to find out whether we are good enough is to And yet, it the value of Heaven as a If you had to choose between a few thousand dollars or Heaven, which would you choose? "Do you realize that right now, as you read the printed words on this page, you are only 15 minutes from Heaven? That's right, within the next 15 minutes, Heaven and all it's glory can belong to you. Time is of the essence however, because none of us know exactly when we are going to pass into eternity. Any one of us could die tonight in our sleep. Every 24 hours, over 150,000 people are gone, young and old and many of them are gone in just an instant. So, I am going to challenge you to make the most important decision of your life within the next 15 minutes because any one of us could step into eternity at any moment. We could be one one heartbeat or one breath away from eternity right now (I'm starting the 15 minute clock right now). You have already heard a clear presentation of the Gospel Message on the previous page so 15 minutes gives you plenty of time to accept the fact that you are a criminal in God's eyes and that every sin you have ever committed is a personal crime against God and you are in desperate need His forgiveness. You have time to decide that you don't want to go to Hell and you want God to be your Savior and not your Judge. You have time to repent and put your full trust in Jesus Christ to save you. You have time to pray the "Sinner's Prayer" with a sincere heart and instantly receive God's gift of eternal life. In this short amount of time you can forever change the eternal destiny of your soul from Hell to Heaven. In this short 15 minutes you can have it all, peace with God, total forgiveness and eternal life. 15 minutes from now, Heaven can belong to you. You're only 15 Minutes From Heaven what will you do?
Whether you realize it or not, right now as you read the printed words on this page, you are only 15 minutes from Heaven! Let me explain.
"To neglect is to reject". You have already heard a clear presentation of the Gospel Message on the previous page and you know you need to be saved. If you decide to do nothing, it is the same as saying No to God and rejecting His gift of eternal life. Instead of having it all, you will be losing it all. Our goal is not to scare you but to sincerely inform you of the consequences of making the wrong decision. God is a Loving God yes, but that's not all He is. He is a Righteous Judge and He must punish sin. He doesn't want anyone to go to Hell but on the other hand, He won't force you to choose Him either. He gave us a free will so that we are totally free to accept Him or reject Him and God will respect whatever decision we make. You hear some people say, "I don't think a Loving God would ever send anyone to Hell". They're right, God doesn't send anyone to Hell. As a matter of fact He begs us over and over not to go there. You see, the fact is that we actually send ourselves to Hell by rejecting God's free pardon, rejecting His free offer of salvation and rejecting eternal life. It's like a man standing at the door of a plane getting ready to jump out and you say, "Wait, take this parachute and put it on." And the man says, "No, I don't believe in parachutes." But you insist and say, "Don't be foolish, you must take it. You can't jump without it, you'll perish!" But the man says, "No, I'll take my chances", and he jumps out. Or a man that falls overboard one night in the middle of a stormy dark ocean in icy waters without a life jacket and even though the people throw him a life preserver, he refuses to grab it. The people yell, "Grab it and we'll pull you in." But the man says, "No, I'm a good swimmer, I'll just trust in my own
abilities to make it back to shore." This kind of foolish reaction to a life
or death decision just doesn't make sense does it?
Well my friend, you're in those same shoes right now. We're saying, "Take God's parachute, take God's life preserver otherwise you will perish." What is your response going to be? To reject God is the most serious mistake that anyone on planet earth is even capable of making. This could be the last opportunity you will ever have to get saved, over 150,000 people die every 24 hours and many of them are gone in an instant. That's why you need to settle this whole matter of Heaven and Hell right now, today! Don't put it off, tomorrow may be too late. It's your decision, where will you spend eternity? Not only you, where do you want your family and friends to spend eternity? Does it matter at all to you?
What about going to church? What about Bible questions I might have? What about this or what about that? No, those things can all come later! The most important thing you need to do right now is to get off the eternal road to Hell and get on the eternal road to Heaven before another moment passes. When you step into eternity, God is only going to be concerned about one thing when it comes to Heaven or Hell, did you accept or did you reject His precious Son Jesus and His wonderful gift of salvation.
I remember once hearing the host on a television show tell a very excited contestant, "You're only minutes away from having ten thousand dollars (or what ever the exact amount was)! I remember thinking, It made me wonder, "How many people realize they are only minutes away from having Heaven?"
What if you were on a television game show and the host turned to you and said, "Congratulations, you're only minutes away from receiving ten thousand dollars?" Would you be excited? What if he were to say, "Congratulations, it's decision time! You're only minutes away from receiving ten thousand dollars OR receiving Heaven which do you choose? What would your reaction be? Could you even compare the two in value? If you could buy Heaven, how much would it cost? thought to myself, "What if the host had told that person they were only minutes away from receiving Heaven? What would be the value of Heaven? be worth? Would they even be able to that ten thousand dollars still seem exciting compared to a prize worth more than all the riches of this world combined?"
The joy of receiving Heaven If a few thousand dollars can get us that excited, what is exciting, just wait till you "get a load of Heaven"! how much more exciting would it be to receive something more valuable than all the riches of this world combined! If we can get As excited as we can get over ten thousand dollars, as excited as the average person would be to receive ten thousand dollars, As excited as that contestant was, I thought to myself, "How much more excited I wonder how many people know their only minutes away from Heaven?
Your 15 Minutes is Almost Up, Are You Ready?
Choose Heaven Right Now!
Click the Button Below and Pray the "Sinner's Prayer"